Artful Blessing Concert Series
Welcome to The Artful Blessings Concert Series, an ancillary series sponsored by the orchestra. While hosted by NWSCO, it will feature various performing groups, from brass quintets to organ music, cabaret concerts, chorale concerts, rock, swing, and just about anything else you can imagine in music. The concert series aims to sponsor at least one or more monthly live music events in Leominster, Fitchburg, and our surrounding communities. These concerts are in churches, halls, bars, restaurants, and other venues. We want to ensure the arts are alive and well in the Twin City region and accessible to everyone.
Proceeds from every concert go back to support the mission of the North Worcester County Symphony Orchestra program to assist the economically disadvantaged and at-risk in our community with complimentary tickets and the music program at Saint Anna Parish. This is the orchestra's way of giving back to the community!
College of the Holy Cross Organ Scholar Gavin Klein
Join College of the Holy Cross Organ Scholar Gavin Klein for a beautiful concert celebrating the organ's dedication at Saint Anna Parish. This concert will conclude our first season of the Artful Blessings Concert series.
Klein is a sophomore at the College of the Holy Cross, joining the college this past fall as the organ scholar. Gavin is an organ student of Dr. Ezequiel Menendez and previously studied with C. Henry Mason. He also studied harpsichord with Dr. Johann Klopp and piano with Judit Ernst. A Central Mass native, Gavin has served as organist to several religious congregations in the Central MA area and Boston. In 2020, he was named distinguished Artist-in-Residence at the Harvard Historical Society in Harvard, MA. Gavin has given concerts across the US and Europe and has received three awards from the American Guild of Organists. He is a member of the American Guild of Organists and the Organ Historical Society.
May 19, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. at Saint Anna Church
located at 199 Lancaster Street in Leominster
$20 Adult/Senior - $15 Student
Ticket information coming soon!
The Heroes & Villains of Broadway
The proceeds from this event will benefit a complimentary ticket program for our at-risk youth & adults as identified through local social service agencies and school districts.
Leominster City Hall
25 West Street * Leominster, MA 01453
Adult $25 - Senior $20 - Student $15
Coming in June!
Swing Dance Gala
October 2024
Join us for our first annual gala, featuring an evening of food, a cash bar, live swing/big band music & dancing.
$100 per person
Ticket information is coming soon!
The Battle of the Bands
Are you ready to rock? Come and enjoy an evening of classic rock bands competing for prizes. More than ten bands will be featured this evening. Categories in the professional bands and High School Bands.
Cash Bar Available
Tickets are $15 General Admission
Ticket information is coming soon!