Welcome to the North Worcester County Symphony Orchestra!
NWCSO was created to bring classical, pop, jazz, and musical theatre repertoire to the North Worcester County Region. It was formed to make certain that music was accessible and affordable to everyone. Please take a moment to browse our About Us section to learn about the organization, its programs, staff, and other pertinent information.
We welcome you to join our music family!
North Worcester County Symphony Orchestra
2024 Season
March is Membership Madness Month
Click the button below for details on our membership drive.
The North Worcester County Symphony Orchestra is excited to participate in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between Mass Cultural Council and the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, and the Massachusetts Health Connector, by broadening accessibility to cultural programming. We are proud to make our programs accessible to our community.
EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare cardholders receive a 50% discount through by emailing info@nwcsorchestra.org. When your email is received, you will be emailed a code to enter when purchasing tickets. If you need assistance in purchasing tickets, please let us know in your email and we would be more than happy to help.
To view a complete list of the participating organizations, please click on the right links. EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.
To subscribe to our email list, please send us an email to info@nwcsorchestra.org with your name
Please visit our social media outlets & subscribe to be kept up to date on all things Orchestra related!